A little background
I started my personal blog (jaywinchia.wordpress.com) in May 2010 with the theme "Connecting the Generations". It was used for posting my thoughts on all my various aspects of life. However, that caused the dilution of the theme I have in mind for the blog, which is my social aspect of life.
About two (2) years later, I reorganised the whole thing and started to setup this new blog blog.jaywin.iviewhouse.net. My new personal blog on my social aspect of life has also been changed to blog.jaywin.sg
On 27th July 2012, this new blog was launched. All postings that were written before the launched date were ported over from my previous blog.
What happens here
I share, discuss, blog, vblog and aslo learn from you on topics related to these 4 areas
- Internet (e.g. Google+, Youtube, General)
- Panorama (Making of panorama)
- Real Estate (Regulations, Agents, How to)
- Productivities (e.g. Gadgets, Applications etc)
Please note that not all contents are created by me. Any material presentated that are not generated by me or not purchased by me will be credited. All contents within the blog are for educational purposes. Please feedback to me if there are any errors. That will benefit the whole of the community.
I do not necessarily know everything or the best of everything. However, I will do my best and will be more than happy if you would also share your experiences and knowledge with me. I would certainly mention you in the credit.
Where else can you learn, share and connect with us
Please check out our iViewhouse Knowledge & Communities page here.